Dev8D: Five minutes with Jack Franklin
First time Dev8D-er Jack Franklin, second year computer science student at the University of Bath, explains what’s brought him to Dev8D and what to expect from his CoffeScript talk
I attended DevXS in November and met a few people who ran Dev8D and Mahendra invited me back to run a session on CoffeeScript. I wanted to come along and meet like-minded people. In terms of meeting people, I met a lot of new people with similar interests at DevXS and got to chat and build cool things and I thought the same would happen here.
What are you looking forward to?
Quite a lot of things. Running a session is very nerve racking but also exciting from a personal point of view. Also being able to talk about lots of geeky things that I usually don’t et to talk about so much but here you know that everyone is into the same kind of stuff so you get to learn things from people and hopefully teach things to other people too.
What have you found interesting?
I’ve only been here for two hours! It’s quite excitable at the moment – everyone is quite excited to see what lies ahead and probably a bit intrigued to see how it all goes. It’s my first time here so I’m definitely intrigued to see what it’s like here, I’ve never done a three day thing like this.
What’s your talk going to be like?
My talk is going to be two one hour sessions. The first is an intro to CoffeeScript aimed at people who may have only just heard of it or looked at it and not done much more or not heard of it at all. It will be aimed at complete beginners and they can then stay and go on to the next session which is aimed at those who have done a little or perhaps have done a bit more and have specific questions.
CoffeeScript is a language that you write and then compile into javascript which aims to make writing JavaScript quicker and easier.