David Flanders at the end of B...

Nov 8, 2009 by

David Flanders from JISC at the end of BarCampLondon7, talking about his experience of the weekend. http://www.vimeo.com/7304700

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Dave Hagan at the end of BarCa...

Nov 8, 2009 by

Dave Hagan from Bolton University at the end of BarCampLondon7, talking about his experience of the weekend. http://www.vimeo.com/72987

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Ben O’Steen at the end o...

Nov 8, 2009 by

Ben O’Steen from Oxford University at the end of BarCampLondon7, talking about his experience of the weekend. http://www.vimeo.co

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Owen Watson at the end of BarC...

Nov 8, 2009 by

Owen Watson from Bolton University at the end of BarCampLondon7, talking about his experience of the weekend. http://www.vimeo.com/7305

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Apache Widget Meetup

Oct 27, 2009 by

Event report: Apache Widget meetup by Basheera Khan JISC and the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) recently hosted a one-day meetup...

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