OR2012 Developer Challenge:
A Thing of Dreams – A Time Machine
Dave Tarrant from the University of Southampton presented his idea for a repository time machine at the DevCSI Open Repositories 2012 Developer Challenge.
In his original entry, Matt gave the following description of his idea:
Linked data is one strongly supported way for exposing data. The problem is that a lot of data being exposed is not static, it changes! Over the last couple of years a lot of suggestions have been made on how to handle non static linked-data for single URIs. In this presentation we show how by using one such method we can enable a “time-machine” interface to be built to browse linked-data through time. That’s all very pretty but this also means you can use memento to request the data at a URI from a specific time. The next stage is to support memento headers for SPARQL queries, enabling full historical query of data that will require interconnection and full inference.
Can you say scale!
This video is also available on Vimeo.
Slides to follow
Further Development
Are you interested in collaborating with Dave or discussing how this idea could be taken further?
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