OR2012 Developer Challenge:
Repositories Based on Version Control Systems
Asger Askov Blekinge from the State and University Library, Denmark presented his idea for repositories based on version control systems at the DevCSI Open Repositories 2012 Developer Challenge.
In his original entry, Asger gave the following description of his idea:
My idea, which I hope will be a prototype for the presentation, will be a repository with a Fedora like interface, based on an SVN server. This will have the advantage that you will be able to checkout and commit a number of objects as one transaction, something that is not currently possible in Fedora. For mass processing, you could checkout the entire repository, and put it in the mass processing working storage. This way, your mass processing jobs could access and modify this content, without having to go through your repository. You would then be able to ingest the entire mass processing result as one step.
This video is also available on Vimeo.
Slides to follow
Further Development
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